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🌟 Downloading in Google Chrome.


Customers who cannot download and are using Google Chrome.

First Update: In September Google Chrome released a new update flagging mixed content downloads. If you tried downloading from our site on Chrome between late September and 11/17/20 you likely received the error message below.

We've included information on this downloading issue in our last 6 weekly newsletters. 

Second Update: On 11/17/20 Chrome released another update. Now when people are trying to download from our website they are no longer receiving any error message. Instead nothing is happening when they click the download button at all. This is a direct result of the newest Chrome update on 11/17/20.

To be able to download from our website in Chrome here is what you need to do.

While you are on our website click on the lock to the left of our URL ( in your Chrome browser. Next click on site settings then scroll down to insecure content and choose allow. This will allow you to download freely from using the Chrome browser. Alternately, you can use any other browser (i.e., Firefox, Safari, Edge) to download from our site.

Please Note: This does not change the careful methods we have always used to deliver our downloads. We can tell you our files are in fact safe and our SSL certificates are current.

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  • Jennifer Cusack on

    Thank you so much for the clear , understanding and working way to download your amazing work . It is so much appreciated.

    Jenn Cusack 😊📸😊

  • Grace Hrabia on

    Thank you so much for your patience with me. I would not have figured this out on my own.

  • Heather Lee on

    The last time I downloaded from the site (after the 11/17 update), I right clicked the Download Button and choose the “open the link in a new tab”. The download started immediately.


    Thank you for giving us great directions. I wouldn’t have figured it out on my own.

  • Melissa on

    This was very helpful. I will need to pay close attention when the newsletters come in. Happy Holiday Season.

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