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How to Write a Slogan for Your Photography Business

branding how to marketing slogan

Does your slogan sell?

$5 Retirement Sale > Shop Now!YShop the $5 Friday Saleou’re in the photography business because you love taking photos. You love capturing moments and you love preserving memories and telling stories. But, if you want to run a profitable photography business you’ll have to learn how to sell too. There are endless ways to sell and countless sales strategies. It can be very overwhelming. One piece of your sales strategy should be a business slogan. I was just (re) reading Purple Cow by Seth Godin and I stopped at the section on slogans. A well-crafted and meaningful slogan can help you sell yourself and your business to potential customers.

 How To Update or Write a Slogan for Your Business

If you have a slogan, run it through this filter to see if it meets these requirements. If you don’t yet have a slogan, you can use this list of criteria to start building a slogan for your business.

Photographer Writing Slogan1.    Is your slogan true?

First and foremost, your business slogan should be the truth. Examine your slogan to make sure it’s true.

If you’re working on writing a slogan think about the “truths” in your business. What exactly do you offer your clients? Is it a product, a service or both? Be clear about exactly what you are offering your clients. Are you offering digital pictures, artwork, or an experience?

Clearly define your product offering to help you start drafting your slogan.

2.    Is it consistent?

Is your slogan something you can use anywhere? Can it be a part of your sales pitch or stand alone on a web page? Can you say it the same way to every customer and tell the same story?

Make sure your slogan is broad enough to use anywhere, but specific enough to be meaningful to your customers.

3.    Is it worth sharing?

Your customers won’t share your slogan if it’s not meaningful or catchy. Make sure your slogan says something to your target market. Think about if your slogan is something customers will be compelled to share.

A Practical Example

One of our photography friends ends every blog post with,  “Don’t let your story go untold.” While I don’t think this is officially Stephani Dennis’ slogan it would make a great one. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="750"] Photo Credit: Stephani Dennis Photography[/caption] It’s true. Steph likes to tell stories with her images. Every session is a piece of somebody’s story and she loves capturing that in her images. It’s consistent. This is a slogan that could be used for senior sessions, weddings, babies, etc. She doesn’t need to change it for each market. It’s worth sharing. What is more important than telling your story? I’m certain her customers would love showing their friends and family how beautifully she captured a little piece of their story and helped them preserve it for the future.

You have a slogan. Now what?

Once you have a great slogan add it your website, blog, Facebook page and more! Let your customer read it, hear it and see it everywhere. Add it to your business cards and your marketing materials. Display it in your studio and weave it into your sales pitch. Your customers will start to spread your slogan to others and you’ll start developing a brand with a strong foundation to support future sales.  

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Share your slogan with us. We’d love to read them!  

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