On the 6th Day of Christmas ...
12 Days of Christmas Actions ashe cash ashe design Bag camera Camera Bag Clickin Moms Contests Epiphanie forum giveaway Living Locurto Pamela Topping Photo Prop Floors and Backdrops Photography photography templates Prizes Sales & Contests win

At Ashe Design, we understand that your clients want a lot of customization. We provide you with the ability to meet your clients' expectations with the ease and flexibility of our fully-customizable, expertly mastered Photoshop templates. The difference between these templates and others is their "total editability". Our templates are NOT simple "knockouts" in the background, under which a photo is placed. We provide you with instructional tutorials that will walk you through the simple steps to create clipping groups in Photoshop with your photos, thus allowing the individual layers to be moved around and turned on or off. This allows you to lessen the number of photos on the template or change colors or text on any of the individual layers.
PPF&B is excited about the launch of their new line of fabric and fur! Their fans and customers are going crazy for these newest props as they are ideal for bean bag covers and a wonderful addition to an alternative backdrop option. From ruffles and rose patterns, to the softest fur around, the possibilities for photo sessions are endless, especially when you see the array of colors available in each pattern!
Amy Locurto is a graphic designer and mom of two who loves hosting old fashion stay at home birthday parties! She always wanted to be a party planner, but now Amy owns a design firm Atomic Egg, is co-owner of a photography web site I Heart Faces and also author of Living Locurto, a blog where you can find free printables, menu plans, recipes, fun party ideas and crafts. She opened this printable shop to share her designs and help you create a fabulous event of your own! All designs are original creations by Amy and made for you to print on your home printer or with your local quick print shop.
Our mission is to save cameras from being banged around in purses, while liberating stylish women photographers from the Manbag! Epiphanie bags are a stylish and functional way to transport your camera every where you go. No need to lugg around an extra bulky geeky camera bag; Or better yet, wrap your camera in a hand towel, sweatshirt, or diaper and shove it in your purse. That is clearly not the safest way to transport expensive equipment.There are many of us that have been on the hunt for a TRULY HOT camera handbag.
Clickin Moms was founded in March, 2008 as a safe place for women to share their photos and a love of photography. In the first week, the board had approximately 100 members. Now - not quite three years later - Clickin Moms has become a booming but close-knit community of over 8000 members. 65% of our members are professional photographers, and 35% are either aspiring professionals or passionate hobbyists. What we all share is a commitment to honing the craft in order to deliver extraordinary images for our clients, beautifully capture the lives of our children, produce works of fine art, or engage in creative self expression.
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