Honor your seniors in a special way with our custom lawn signs!
In a year that has taken an unexpected turn for all, we've got the perfect way to help towns display their pride for graduating seniors while maintaining social distance!
We are offering these commemorative "2020 Senior Strong" lawn signs for your class. Each class order can be calculated by multiplying the number of seniors by $15. This price will include shipping and custom artwork.
In this effort to honor high school seniors, we are also helping a great cause. For each sign sold, we will be donating $5 to local food banks helping to put food back on the shelves to feed those in need.
How will the signs be delivered?
Talk this over with your principal or point person for your school since each school is different. The entire sign order will be delivered to one address. The most important thing is to communicate beforehand and devise a plan.
Pickup. Some ideas are to designate a point person such as a PTO head to coordinate this effort. One suggestion would be a curb side pick up at your school where signs are placed in vehicles allowing for families to simply drive by.
Dropoff. Another idea is to identify a small group of seniors, provide them with addresses and divide up the signs to place them on yards.
How will the signs be paid for?
We've got some ideas here too. This is an effort people will want to get behind!
Secure Sponsors. This may be the perfect opportunity for a local business or 2 to help by covering the cost in whole or in part. Or maybe there are families in town that are looking to contribute. We'll gladly add their names to the signs discretely as to not take away from the message.
Senior Dues. Many senior classes have already collected for things like senior picnics, proms, and other end-of-year activities that may now not happen. This is a perfect use for those funds that will benefit each senior directly.
Contact us today to get the conversation started!