Photoshop Tools Cheat Sheet
Photoshop can be very time consuming for all levels of Photoshop users. Most of us use the same Photoshop editing tools repeatedly. Fortunately, there are Photoshop keyboard shortcuts to help us work faster and become more productive, saving time in editing and leaving you with more time behind the camera. What is a keyboard command? Simply put, it's a quick way to change tools or perform other tasks in Photoshop with the click of one button (or a combination of buttons) on your keyboard. For instance, I am constantly going back and forth between my brush tool (b) and my text tool (t). A couple of quick strokes on the keyboard and I'm easily switching between the two. Another example is copying and pasting. Rather than go to the dropdown menu and choose copy then back to the menu again to choose paste, I am conditioned to the quicker keyboard combination of (ctrl+c) and (ctrl+v). At first it was a bit of an adjustment to choose a tool or perform a task by choosing a keyboard command. However, once I started, I never went back to selecting my tools the old way. While there are many keyboard commands and combinations to perform various Photoshop tasks, we've provided you with a simple tool bar cheat sheet to get you started. The file can be downloaded and printed out on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper for easy reference. Ashe Design Photoshop Tools Cheat Sheet

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