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5 Tips for Photographers To Write Better Facebook Posts


5 Tips for Photographers To Write Better Posts

facebook-iconFacebook can be challenging. The designs and rules are constantly changing, but with such a huge audience at your fingertips it’s worth the work. Use these 5 tips to write better posts and increase engagement on your page. In addition, visit our FREEBIE page to get a blank Photoshop template sized for the new Facebook Business pages (as of June 5, 2014) along with our Facebook Template pdf that shows you all the new image sizes!  

Now, let’s take a look a these 5 Tips for Writing Better Posts

 #1: Share a Tip

People love to learn new things, so share your knowledge. Offer tips for taking better pictures. Offer small and easy-to-use tips like how to take better pictures of your kids or how to adjust your settings for action shots. Your tips don’t have to be photography-related either; developing a consistent theme that’s of interest to your followers will work best.

 #2: Post Interesting Facts

Again, we love to learn. Make an effort to share interesting content you read on other sites, even if they might not be photography-related. For example, if you’re a wedding photographer, you might share information about the cost of weddings or wedding trends that are changing over time.

 FB_Guides#3: Engage with Followers

Make sure you interact with followers on your Facebook page. Make an effort to respond to every comment and answer questions posted on your page. The more you get your followers to interact with you the more likely you’ll be able to keep them engaged.

 #4: Keep it Positive

There’s a lot of negativity out there; make sure it’s not coming from you. Don’t ignore or delete negative posts. Make sure you answer questions and respond appropriately. Likewise, your Facebook page is not a place to rant to vent. Keep your page positive, uplifting and professional.

 #5: Host Contests & Special Promotions

Contests and special promotions are a great way to increase engagement on your page and get new followers. There are a number of third-party providers to help you manage contests on your page.

Bonus Tip: Share Your Images

I know that, as a photographer, you hate the way your images look on Facebook. Trust me; your clients still love them! Visit our FREEBIE page to download our free Facebook Template Guide to get the recommended image sizes and keep sharing those images!

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