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Monday Marketing Minute: Tip #1 Get a Mentor

connect marketing mentor mentoring Photography photography business

Monday’s Marketing Minute

Marketing-Minute-MentorBeing a great photographer is as much about running a great business as is it is about taking great photos! We are starting a new weekly blog post called the “Monday Marketing Minute”. The idea is to provide you with a few actionable (and practical) steps you can implement each week to grow your photography business. With each Monday Marketing Minute we will offer at least one actionable step you can take. Plus, we’ll ask you to share at least one thing you are doing/want to do related to that week’s topic. By sharing we can all learn and grow! Bonus! You might find your idea on a future Monday Marketing Minute.  

 Monday's Marketing Minute:

Tip # 1: Get a Mentor: Shadow Photographers You Admire

In the world of business we call those people that help us learn, grow and achieve our goals mentors! As a small business owner, it’s even more important to have mentors! You need somebody to help you develop new skills and spark creative ideas -- both as a photographer and as a business person. In a perfect world, I would suggest you team up with another local photographer. Somebody who you trust to ask questions and share your ideas. Somebody who can help you with questions about photography, business, marketing and more!

Image by Artistic Image ~ Portraits by ElizabethThe Best Idea: Find A Local Mentor

I really encourage you to seek out a photographer that you can connect with and ask them if they’d be willing to mentor you as you grow your business. The best way to grow in any industry is to learn from others who are having success. Plus, I think you’ll be surprised how many people really are willing to lend a helping hand. However, I realize that’s not always possible. If that’s not an option or you haven’t had any success, I have a couple of other ideas that might help.

Plan B: Connect in Other Ways

1. Think Outside the Box, But in Your Neighborhood

Find a successful small business owner in another industry that might be interested in being your mentor. While this might limit the advice you get related to photography, other small business owners can provide a wealth of information on budgeting, branding, marketing and much more!

2. Get Plugged in Virtually

Consider looking for a photography mentor in another market. There are several nationally renowned photographers who offer this as a paid service, but I’d suggest even finding someone who has a style you admire and asking them if they’d be interested in giving you some advice. In today’s online world, it is easy to develop a relationship via Skype, chats and emails with a photographer in another part of the country or even world! Think about all the great ideas you could share!

3. Seek and You Shall Find

If you’re still striking out, try my fail-proof option to learn and grow. Follow a handful of photographers you admire online. As you watch from afar, pay attention to their style, marketing programs and overall brand. Not to copy them, but to learn what you like and don’t like. Then determine what might work in your market. Supplement this with other educational materials like books or blogs on photography, business or marketing.

Take Action.

Do something today to start the process. Call a friend, send an email or pick up a new book. Small steps will lead to big results.

Share with us!

Now it’s time to share! What tips do you have for finding a mentor? If you’ve been a photographer for a while, what tips would you offer photographers just starting out!
We want to hear from you! Leave us a comment.

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