Learn why you should add Gallery Blocks to your product offering
Plus, great coupons and a chance to win a FREE Gallery Block
At Ashe Design we are always look for fun and creative ways to help photographers sell more. We think in these terms; what can we design to help a new or established photographer increase sales?
We are always looking for the next big thing in photography, but never discount ways to capitalize on traditional pieces. That’s why we work so hard to provide you with a huge selection of products from a number of leading labs. Plus, we always try to provide you with creative ways to add those products and services to your marketing mix.
Gallery Blocks

So, it’s no surprise that Gallery Blocks caught our attention when
Artsy Couture first launched them on the scene almost one year ago. Gallery Blocks are simply nothing short of gorgeous! Truly if you have not seen them in person you owe it yourself to order one!
With the latest releases
Ashe Design Gallery Block template designs we now offer more than 30 unique designs for almost any occasion including holiday sessions, seniors, families, wedding and babies.
It’s true, however, that Gallery Blocks (with their unique floating blocks) can be a little tricky to design. To make sure you get the highest quality product we put together a birth announcement block using the
Cameron Michael template from Ashe Design and ordered it on the Classic Three Gallery Block from Artsy Couture.
You can watch a series of videos we’ve put together to make sure you customize your template correctly and upload it to the ROES system with ease.
We didn’t stop there; we wanted to help you visualize the care and attention Artsy Couture puts into their Gallery Blocks. My block was shipped to me via FedEx and was clearly marked “fragile” when my friendly FedEx guy dropped it off! As I opened the box I found my new Gallery Block securely wrapped in layers and layers of bubble wrap. (Seriously, there was a lot of bubble wrap!) Once I finally got through the protective barriers and saw the glimmering shine of my new block I was filled with excitement. I could hardly wait to get it on the wall.

Hanging the block was a real breeze (even before they added the new mounting block, which further simplifies the process). The finished block truly is a piece of artwork that demands attention in any room. It’s lovely addition to Jayce’s bedroom (and has created jealousy among my older kids.)
If you have not yet added Gallery Blocks to your product offering, you are missing out! These unique and stylish blocks a gorgeous and we know your customers will absolutely love them!
While the blocks are not “cheap” they are very affordable. In fact they are priced in the ballpark with gallery wrap prices at many labs, and provide the added floating blocks and a crisper image.

Plus, the newer mini blocks offer the same great quality in a smaller size and reduced price. For more information about Gallery Blocks and for pricing information, visit the Artsy Couture website.
Holding this block, feeling the weight and seeing the quality. I know this is a piece of art that can be treasured in my family for years to come. Put a price tag on that!
Great Discount

However, to truly maximize sales we highly encourage having samples in your studio to share with customers. To help you add a gorgeous sample (without the words sample) to your studio, we are giving
every Ashe Design customer who orders any Gallery Block this week a coupon for 25% off Gallery Block production at Artsy Couture, Bay Photo Lab or Nations Photo Lab.
Hurry, this offer ends Saturday, Oct. 15
th and your order must be placed with one of these labs by Saturday, Oct. 22.
Win a Gallery Block
We’ll also give one Ashe Design Customer a
FREE Gallery Block along with a FREE Gallery Block Design. Just "Like" our Facebook page, enter you name and e-mail and you'll be registered to win! We’ll announce the winner in our next $5 Friday E-mail blast!
Good luck!