Ashe Design has teamed up with Century Color to offer an amazing holiday card promotion.
What's the best way to make the sale? Get product in your customers' hands! With the 2 for $2 Holiday Card Promotion you can customize holiday cards for your customers and increase sales! If your ready to order, we've put together the steps for ordering, so go on over and check it out! But ... read on for a simple 3-Step Marketing Program that will help you increase holiday sales! With the 2 for $2 Holiday Card Promotion, you'll get 2 duplicate holiday card samples from Century Color Lab. We recommend you keep one as a studio sample and send the other to your client with an offer to schedule a holiday session or add holiday cards to their order. To help you get started we've put together 3 Easy Steps to Implement a Holiday Card Promotion in your studio.Are you ready?
3-Step Marketing Program
1. Build Your List & Customize Your Offers!
Begin by building your list and developing your offer. It's sounds like a lot, but it's really pretty easy! I recommend you start by developing two lists.
First, make a list of customers who had sessions in Q4 of 2010 and Q1 2011.You'll likely be able to set up new sessions with these clients and sell much more than holiday cards. Create a customized offer for these clients to come in for a new photo session. Advertise a package that includes holiday cards.
Remind customers that it's time to schedule a new session.
Then, make a list customers who have had a session more recently. These clients are less likely to schedule another session, but they are going to get holiday cards somewhere ... why not with you? Offer these clients a great a deal on ordering holiday cards. You might want to include additional studio promotions as well. (Remember, they will be looking for holiday gift ideas soon!)
2. Customize, Order and Send Holiday Cards
Now that you have your list, use the Ashe Design Holiday Card Templates to create a customized photo card for each customer on your list. Customize each card with your clients' photos and order samples from Century Color Lab for just $2. We've put together Step by Step Ordering Instructions to help you set up an account and order cards through the Century Color ROES system.
Once your receive your order, keep one sample for in your studio and send the other to your customer with a special offer.
3. Sell More Holiday Cards
Some customers will call to place their holiday card orders or to schedule a new photo session. Others will require a follow up phone call. As card samples go out, keep your list handy and follow up with customers a week or so after the cards mail.
This little detail will increase your sales dramatically! Let's face it, your customers will have good intentions of calling to place an order, but somehow that card they loved so much got lost in a stack of mail on the counter! (We've all been there, right?)
When you call, they will remember the card and are pretty likely to place an order or schedule a session.
About Century Color Century Color is a family-owned business that was built on personalized customer service and quality products. For more than 40 years, Century Color has been meeting the needs of professional photographers across the country. Not just a professional lab, your personal lab.